Two New Species Have Been Found in the limestone area of Guangxi

Primulina zhoui. A: Habitat. B: Habit. C: Side view of corolla and calyx. D: Top view of corolla and calyx. E: Opened corolla showing stamens and staminodes. F: Pistil and calyx. G: Calyx. H: Pistil. Scale bar: 5 mm.
Group members in Guilin Botanical Gardens have found two new species of Gesneriaceae when they surveyed the limestone area.
These two are Primulina zhoui and P. huangii. Primulina zhoui is similar to P. multifida B. Pan & K.F. Chung, but differs from the latter in its bracts, calyx lobes, corolla, adaxial lip and disc. Primulina huangii closely resembles P. bipinnatifida (W.T. Wang) Y.Z. Wang & J.M. Li, but differs from the latter in its bracts, pedicel, corolla, corolla tube, adaxial lip and pistil.
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Fig. 2. Morphological comparison of Primulina zhoui and P. multifida. 1. P. multifida; 2. P. zhoui. A: The adaxial surface of leaf blades. B: The abaxial surface of leaf blades. C: Cymes. D: Bracts. E: Frontal view of corolla. F: Corolla, pistil and calyx. Scale bar: A-C = 5 cm; D-F = 1 cm.
Fig. 3. Primulina huangii. A: Habitat. B: Habit. C: Side view of corolla and calyx. D: Top view of corolla and calyx. E: Opened corolla showing stamens and staminodes. F: Pistil and calyx. G: Calyx. H: Pistil. Scale bar: 5 mm.
Fig. 4. Morphological comparison of Primulina huangii and P. bipinnatifida. 1. P. bipinnatifida; 2. P. huangii. A: The adaxial surface of leaf blades. B: The abaxial surface of leaf blades. C: Cymes. D: Bracts. E: Frontal view of corolla. F: Corolla, pistil and calyx. Scale bar: A-C = 2 cm; D-F = 5 mm.