Hunan Forest Botanical Garden survied the south of Hunan

During late April, Hunan Forest Botanical Garden, led by the director Peng Chunliang, made two trips for 9 days along the south of Hunan Province, including Nanyue, Yongzhou, and Zhangzhou to investigate the native plants there.
A total of 126 species of wild plants were introduced during the survey. Meanwhile, three species of extremely dangerous wild plants were investigated: Calanthe sieboldii, Gleditsia japonica var. velutina, and Elaphoglossum yoshinagae. And there are 11 species of endangered wild plants: Tsuga chinensis var. tchekiangensis, Tsuga longibracteata, Camellia chekiangoleosa, Viburnum hengshanicum, Primula cicutariifolia , Chirita crassituba, Paris fargesii, Aster mangshanensis, Sinosenecio saxatilis, Calanthe argenteostriata, Calanthe aristulifera.