The Fourth Council Meeting of CUBG held in XTBG

25 directors of member gardens attended the meeting. Four founding governmental departments, Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS), National Forestry and Grassland Administration(NFGA), Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development(MOHURD), Ministry of Ecology and Environment(MEE), each appointed the related officials to guide the work.
Prof. CHEN Jin gave a summary report of CUBG’s work from 2013 to 2018. Referred to the implementation of CUBG’s projects, Full-Coverage Conservation Plan for Native Plants in China, Construction of National System of Botanical Garden Standards, Capacity Building Plan, the council discussed to give some pertinent advices. Combining with the chance of the establishment of Core Botanical Gardens of CAS, which will integrate the resources of CAS botanical gardens, the attendees all agreed on the promotion of national botanical garden system under the platform of CUBG.
“At present, there is no governmental department considering the overall layout and administration of botanical gardens in China. They are complicated for the management of different competent authorities. However, all the gardens could communicate and cooperate as the members of CUBG. CUBG will be the pathfinder to lead botanical gardens step by step mutual development.” LIU Dewang, deputy director of department of wildlife & forest plants protection, NFGA, said.
The meeting also revised the Chapter and considered the membership of 16 more botanical gardens.

Prof. CHEN Jin gave a summary report of CUBG’s work from 2013 to 2018

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